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M3 driving diagonally to left


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Hi everyone. I'm new to Dr!ft and have only had my Bmw M3 for a couple of weeks and have only used it for about 1 and a half hours however now when i turn it on and it calibrates the turn table underneath is basically straight and it works fine to begin with but after a short while it starts driving diagonally to the left. I am having to switch it on and off after each gymkana round to get it to recalibrate but the same thing happens. It seems to be worse after carrying out lots of drifts at tight angles. I have strippped it down and cleaned it but there wasn't really any dirt inside or damage to any gears and the it continues to drive diagonally though maybe slightly better. If anyone can offer any advise it would be appreciated. 

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Thank you for replying I really appreciate it. I'm pretty sure there is no dirt in it but I will try to strip it down again and check.  My new problem is the tiny screws and driver have rounded slightly but I will try over the weekend anyway.  If the calibration no longer works is that a fixable problem? Though surely it must be designed to take a few knocks and I don't think I have hit anything particularly hard. Thanks again

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