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Thank you Martin

Christophe J

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Hello from Paris! First of all, forgive me for writing at such length, and not in German.

When I was a kid, my father gave me a “Circuit 24”, or rather a copy of this old French slot racing brand that no longer existed. I had a blast with it. Thirty years later, I no longer have the opportunity to play with slot cars, yet it's my turn to have kids, who are also passionate about... well, just about anything that rolls.

As they grow and evolve, so do the toys we can offer them. So my memories prompted me to dive back into this world of slot racing. But I realize that my view of this game has changed over the years, particularly along the development of video games. Slot racing is far too fast, and therefore unrealistic and unwelcoming to the little ones. A complicated, fragile installation, difficult to modify or store, or even to move to a friend's house to share the fun. A disappointing sound universe. Above all, how can you have the feeling of driving without a steering wheel and real freedom of trajectory?

That's how I discovered your project, simply by browsing the Carrera website last June. I had no idea of the existence of Dr!ft or Sturmkind, of your community, and I missed the birth of ModiPlay and its funding campaigns. But, wow, the more I read about it, the more I wanted to know. I was hooked in no time, because the concept is brilliant! Track pieces technical design and hexagonal pattern, the technology shared with the cars, the possibilities of the app on a modern device... It's obvious that this project has been thought out and directed by a true engineer, not by a visionless financier or an inert manager. I'm delighted to see that the whole approach makes so much sense.

Carrera Hybrid answers all the points I criticized about slot racing. Or rather, it sublimates them: setting up and modifying the track is super-simple, taking it away is uncomplicated, the realism of the sound and simulated driving is enticing, and what's more, it offers the luxury of choosing how much you help the little ones.

Now I feel like a kid again! I've already pre-ordered a set, then a bit later I snapped up the “Track pack 1” extension. The game isn't even here yet, but I've already designed a dozen circuits that run through our living room and interact with the furniture, à la Micro Machines. I can't stop thinking about it! I have even bought third-party accessories, like little plastic borders. I'm looking for new information everyday and especially new videos, even though I don't speak a word of German. I can't wait to buy the hairpin bends, the bridge, the guardrails and, above all, other makes of car.

My wife sighs to see me so hyped - but the truth is she loves the idea too, and intends to beat me to the track. Do you know what's my biggest problem now? Admitting to myself that I'm not just offering this to the kids, but in fact to the whole family, and perhaps above all to myself.


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, merci beaucoup, and congratulations to you and your team. I hope that many other customers who, like me, didn't know about Carrera Hybrid, will follow suit. And I beg you to please continue your excellent work.

  • Gefällt mir 13
  • Danke 2
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