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BEENDET DR!FT Online-Games 2021 - Season IV - Lauf 1 - "Butterfly"


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Hi 😉
Thank you very much for all your comments and remarks. It is a pity that there was no explanation of the settings and rules for showing races in English, but I hope that during the next round it will be clarified by the organizers in order to avoid such misunderstandings. 😄
I must admit that it is difficult for me to translate from German into English sometimes to understand what the explanations are really about. I think I understood what Ghost meant, but the race will verify if I 100% understood what it was really about and where I made a mistake.
In closing, I would like to thank everyone individually for the tips and advice you give here.
You are a great community and I hope that there will be more and more of us every day and we will be able to race with people from all over the world 🙂

If so many inaccuracies arose because of me, I would like to apologize, I wanted to know what I was doing wrong because I thought I was doing everything according to the videos of my predecessors. However, it turned out otherwise, and unfortunately for personal reasons I was unable to start filming the race to the Qualifying Division again. It's a pity, but that's my problem. Ghost did its job well ...
I'm going to train for the next race;)

Have a nice evening from Poland, I wish you all

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb GeraltPOL:

Hi 😉
Thank you very much for all your comments and remarks. It is a pity that there was no explanation of the settings and rules for showing races in English, but I hope that during the next round it will be clarified by the organizers in order to avoid such misunderstandings. 😄
I must admit that it is difficult for me to translate from German into English sometimes to understand what the explanations are really about. I think I understood what Ghost meant, but the race will verify if I 100% understood what it was really about and where I made a mistake.
In closing, I would like to thank everyone individually for the tips and advice you give here.
You are a great community and I hope that there will be more and more of us every day and we will be able to race with people from all over the world 🙂

If so many inaccuracies arose because of me, I would like to apologize, I wanted to know what I was doing wrong because I thought I was doing everything according to the videos of my predecessors. However, it turned out otherwise, and unfortunately for personal reasons I was unable to start filming the race to the Qualifying Division again. It's a pity, but that's my problem. Ghost did its job well ...
I'm going to train for the next race;)

Have a nice evening from Poland, I wish you all

#GeraltPOL with that accent - welcome to the Dr!ft community! 🙂

Wish you a good time in this beautiful and fun hobby. In Germany they say "Gut Drift!" 👍


 #XTllGhost: one thing - the international side (at least from PL) started with my Person on 04.01.2021 😎 (i just can speak some German, so you could not know that) - or maybe there are other dr!fters from PL?

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vor 19 Minuten schrieb THR3360:

Du glaubst ernshaft, hier gibt es jemanden der sich über einen Formfehler in Div Q aufregen würde?

Ja leider gibt es die auch 

vor 25 Minuten schrieb GeraltPOL:

Hi 😉
Thank you very much for all your comments and remarks. It is a pity that there was no explanation of the settings and rules for showing races in English, but I hope that during the next round it will be clarified by the organizers in order to avoid such misunderstandings😄
I must admit that it is difficult for me to translate from German into English sometimes to understand what the explanations are really about. I think I understood what Ghost meant, but the race will verify if I 100% understood what it was really about and where I made a mistake.
In closing, I would like to thank everyone individually for the tips and advice you give here.
You are a great community and I hope that there will be more and more of us every day and we will be able to race with people from all over the world 🙂

If so many inaccuracies arose because of me, I would like to apologize, I wanted to know what I was doing wrong because I thought I was doing everything according to the videos of my predecessors. However, it turned out otherwise, and unfortunately for personal reasons I was unable to start filming the race to the Qualifying Division again. It's a pity, but that's my problem. Ghost did its job well ...
I'm going to train for the next race;)

Have a nice evening from Poland, I wish you all

thank you for your understanding I will be happy to try to translate the rules into English with the other referees.

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb Stachu:

#GeraltPOL with that accent - welcome to the Dr!ft community! 🙂

Wish you a good time in this beautiful and fun hobby. In Germany they say "Gut Drift!" 👍


 #XTllGhost: one thing - the international side (at least from PL) started with my Person on 04.01.2021 😎 (i just can speak some German, so you could not know that) - or maybe there are other dr!fters from PL?

My girlfriend but shes not active. 

W serpniu jedziemy do polski 

(Im August fahren wir nach Polen)

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vor 11 Minuten schrieb Stachu:

one thing - the international side (at least from PL) started with my Person on 04.01.2021 😎 (i just can speak some German, so you could not know that) - or maybe there are other dr!fters from PL?

is this an official website of Sturmkind?

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