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GEKLÄRT How fast are the cars (km / h)?


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Good morning DR!FT Communty!

I'm eagerly browsing for the forum to learn as much as possibile, I didn't find anywhere the (real) top speed of the car, for example of a standard Red Turbo Sport and/or a V8 Silver Sport?

Is this top speed changing by engine upgrades or not?


Thank you in advance, kind regards.


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The Topspeed of the Dr!ft Racer are similar. The Turbo runs 210 km/h Topspeed, i mean the V8 can only drive around 200km/h. That's in the Race Mode, if you drive in Drift-Mode the topspeed is around 180km/h. But you will have a close gear ratio.

The top speed ist technical limited. For example 1000PS have only are better acceleration than 500PS.

When you update the Dr!ft into the Gymkhama-Mode, you can switch between the V8, Turbo and V12! But you have to spend a lot of time to unlock every engine drive.

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Thank you everybody for reply 🙂


Am 3.5.2019 um 10:08 schrieb B-Unit:

The Topspeed of the Dr!ft Racer are similar. The Turbo runs 210 km/h Topspeed, i mean the V8 can only drive around 200km/h. That's in the Race Mode, if you drive in Drift-Mode the topspeed is around 180km/h. But you will have a close gear ratio.

The top speed ist technical limited. For example 1000PS have only are better acceleration than 500PS.

When you update the Dr!ft into the Gymkhama-Mode, you can switch between the V8, Turbo and V12! But you have to spend a lot of time to unlock every engine drive.

So let me better understand... An upgraded engine of 1000 PS continues to go around 5 km/h of “real” top speed but reach it much faster. Is this correct?

No way at all to improve top speed (simulating top car of 350 km/h or similar)?


Thank you again,


Bearbeitet von Nuvolari
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